Thursday, August 18, 2011

Does Christian Philosophy Matter? Part II

In this post I want to finish what was mentioned at the end of Part I of "Does Christian Philosophy Matter?"  Then I will try to explain why I think Christian philosophy does matter.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Does Christian Philosophy Matter? Part I

In his recent article "Does Philosophy Matter?" found in The New York Times op-ed page, Stanley Fish argues that,
"...the conclusions reached in philosophical not travel into contexts that are not explicitly philosophical (as seminars, academic journals, and conferences are), and they do not even make their way into the non-philosophical lives of those who hold them."
In Part I of this post I will address what I believe to be Fish's basic position.  Then I will show why I both agree and disagree with that position.  In Part II, I will address the not wholly unrelated question, "Does Christian Philosophy Matter?"

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Reflections on Striving, Sin, and Death

            We want to reflect upon a certain relation between death and sin.   First, it should be obvious to everyone that death is a highly likely, if not necessary, end of life as we experience it everyday. Second, and more important, all we can ever really say is that: everyone we have ever known, or heard about; has died, is dying, or will die.  But what if these two points were not the case?  What if we never died?  How would we think, act, and live?  The particular relation between death and sin that we want to observe is better understood if we assume for a moment how we would function in a world in which no one dies.